Order Free CDC “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” Materials
The DNEA has a library of CDC “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials which are free for both families and professionals. We encourage you to order these free resources for you, a family member, or your organization.
Resources included are:
Milestone Brochure: Track Your Child’s
Developmental Milestones
Available in English and Spanish
Checklists with Tips Available in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole Available in the following ages:
Milestone Moments Booklet
Available in English and Spanish
The DNEA offers the following resource bundles:
CDC Milestone Moments, Family Bundle
This bundle is designed for family members who wish to track their child’s development.
- Included resources:
- Milestone Brochure: Track Your Child’s Developmental Milestones
- Milestone Moments Booklet
- Checklists with Tips for ages 2 months to 5 years
CDC Milestone Moments, Classroom Bundle
This bundle is designed for childcare professionals to order age-specific materials for children in their class.
- Included resources:
- Milestone Brochure: Track Your Child’s Developmental Milestones
- Milestone Moments Booklet
- Checklists with Tips for ages 2 months to 5 years
- This bundle includes 12 of each resource (Checklists selected by age)
CDC Milestone Moments, Childcare Center Bundle
This bundle is designed for childcare centers to order materials for children at their center.
- Included resources:
- Milestone Brochure: Track Your Child’s Developmental Milestones
- Milestone Moments Booklet
- Checklists with Tips for ages 2 months to 5 years
- This bundle includes 12 of each checklist and 100 of the brochures and booklets