Full Calendar

We appreciate your interest in the Delaware Network for Autism Excellence (DNEA). Please check back as we update our training schedule each month.


Week of Nov 7th

  • Delaware First Responders Autism Training

    Delaware First Responders Autism Training

    November 9, 2022

    Learn about autism and other developmental disabilities from a law enforcement and family perspective. This training will focus on de-escalation strategies and will be conducted through lectures, interactive learning, and video-based scenarios for law enforcement and first responders.

    Presented by Retired Lieutenant Chuck Sawchenko, this specialized 3-hour training for Delaware law enforcement officers and first responders primarily focuses on those with patrol responsibilities.

    This in-person training is open to all Delaware first responders. It is being held on November 9th at the Milford Wellness Village from 8:30 am to 12 pm OR from 1 pm to 4:30 pm.

    For questions, further information, or to request accommodations: Contact: Karen Oosterhous, Delaware Network for Excellence in Autism, 302-831-8903 kareno@udel.edu