Trainings Related to Mental Health
Introduction to Autism and Mental Health
This 2-hour training provides participants with a review of the core characteristics of autism and introduces the importance of neurodiversity-affirming and trauma-informed care. Participants will learn how core characteristics of autism increase one’s susceptibility to mental health disorders and the prevalence and presentation of commonly occurring mental health conditions in autistic individuals. The training strives to raise awareness about mental health challenges experienced by this population and provide Delaware-specific mental health resources.
Mental Health Professionals Working with Autistic Individuals
This 2-hour training focuses on delivering sensitive, non-judgmental care during mental health evaluation and treatment. Using a neurodiversity-affirming lens, it begins with a review of the core characteristics of autism, discussing how autism increases one’s susceptibility to experiencing mental health disorders and progresses into ways to modify mental health treatment to support autistic people best. This course is approved for 2 NASW-DE credit hours. Please see our calendar for additional NASW-DE credit information.
Neurodiversity-affirming Practices and Supports for Mental Health Professionals
This 1-hour training reviews neurodiversity-affirming language and explores individual-level practices and supports that celebrate neurodiversity and promote self-advocacy. Specifically, participants learn how to disrupt ableist language and ways to promote diversity and inclusion through their practice and within their organizations. Participants also learn how to incorporate neurodiversity-affirming assessment.
Understanding Mental Health Challenges Among People with IDD
This 2-hour training focuses on providing contextual information of IDD and mental health, including historical context; prevalence of mental health conditions among people with IDD; and challenges with mental health assessment, diagnosis, and treatment among the IDD population. Using a neurodiversity-affirming lens, it begins with a review of the core characteristics of IDD, discussing how IDD increases one’s susceptibility to experiencing mental health disorders, and progresses into tips for assessing mental health needs among members of the IDD population. This course is approved for 2 NASW-DE credit hours. Please see our calendar for additional NASW-DE credit information.
Click the link below to see when we are offering these trainings!
Mental Health Crisis Resources
These resources were created by the University of Delaware Center for Disabilities Studies with funding from the Delaware Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH), Department of Health and Social Services. DSAMH’s mission is to promote health and recovery by ensuring that Delawareans have access to quality prevention and treatment for mental health, substance use, and gambling conditions.
These resources are available through the Delaware Network for Excellence in Autism. The DNEA provides training, technical assistance, and information dissemination that benefits individuals with autism, their families, and the professionals who serve them.
Resource Guides
These resource guides are tailored to professionals in mental health professions.
Trauma and Youth With Autism
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are traumatic experiences in childhood, such as witnessing violence in the home, experiencing neglect, or having a family member with a mental illness.
Creative CBT: Adapting Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Autism
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based psychotherapy that can help youth manage anxiety by changing the way they think and behave.
Neurodiversity-Affirming Autism Evaluation
An autism evaluation typically includes a discussion about challenges faced by the person and their family. This guide will provide professionals with strategies to discuss these issues in a more sensitive, non-judgmental fashion.
If you are interested in these resource guides, click the link below to order free copies!
Presentation on autism and mental health will focus on improving care
Alisha Fletcher, director of the Delaware Network for Excellence in Autism, which is led by the University of Delaware’s Center for Disabilities Studies sat down with Matt McDonald of Bay to Bay News to discuss autism and mental health in advance of DNEA’s May 16th Zoom session on the topic.