Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder Thumbnail

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder, or autism, is a disability that is often present early in life and can affect multiple aspects of a child’s development. Individuals with autism do not look different, but they may show differences in the ways they behave, communicate and interact with others.

Image of Concerns for Autism resource guide.

Concerns for Autism

You know your child best. If you have concerns about your child’s development, don’t wait to take action! There are many professionals and organizations in Delaware who you can contact for support. The type of service options you receive will depend on the provider. A few of the places you can start are listed below.

Image of the Early Childhood Intervention System resource guide.

Early Childhood Intervention System

Early intervention programs can enhance outcomes for children, families, and communities by changing a child’s developmental path. Early intervention benefits families by better meeting their children’s needs from a young age and throughout their lives. 
Image of Developmental and Autism Evaluations resource guides.

Developmental and Autism Evaluations

The goal of the evaluation process is to identify your child’s strengths and areas of need. The evaluation team will offer resources and services to support your child and family.

Image of Early Intervention Services resource guide.

Early Intervention Services

Early intervention refers to the supports and services designed to enhance the development of infants, toddlers and young children with developmental delays and disabilities. You can access these services through private providers or state-funded early intervention programs. 

Image of Interventions for Autism resource guide.

Interventions for Autism

There are many interventions to support your child with autism throughout his/her life. However, some have been shown to be more effective than others. Evidence-based practices are interventions that are supported by multiple scientific research studies and have shown to have a positive impact for children with autism.